
Early Jersey Wakefield
Flat Head Variety
Solid, tightly folded head is up to 15" long by 7" wide and weigh 3-4 lbs. First grown in the U.S. by Francis Brill of Jersey City, New Jersey in 1840.

Barrel Head Variety
Very disease resistant, heat tolerant variety that stands up to many pests and problems that plague other Chinese cabbages. It holds well in the garden after maturing, and resists bolting in unseasonable heat.
Emiko reaches about a foot high and can weigh up to 6 pounds. Dense, well-wrapped with dark green outer leaves protecting light green to creamy white inner leaves, this Chinese cabbage is packed with succulent texture and mild, non-peppery flavor.
The heads are very uniform, and they take their time maturing.

Chinese Blues
Barrel Head Variety
Moderately high barrel head (with medium green outer leaves) can weigh 4.5 lbs. Strong bolting tolerance, resistant to viruses, downy mildew, leaf spot, and bacterial soft rot. Used in sukiyaki, yosenabe, ohitashi, stir-fries, pickling and salad.

Chinese Green Rocket
Barrel Head Variety
Known for its sweetness and crisp leaves. Uniform frilly-leafed cylindrical head grows to 18" tall and 4 to 4½ pounds. It is a vigorous grower, disease tolerant. Popular in Japanese soups and braised with meat in sukiyaki. Used in stir-fry, pickling and salads.

Nero Di Toscana
Non-Heading Type
This very tender and juicy variety is called palm cabbage because the plant looks just like a little palm tree. It is also known as dinosaur, Lacinato or Tuscan kale. A hardy, non-heading variety that produces juicy, very tender and delicious dark green leaves. Harvest young for best flavor.

Yu Choi Sum, Flowering Brassica
Non-Heading Type
Although technically a Chinese cabbage, does not form heads, but instead forms bunches of long, thick stalks. Fast-growing flowering brassica is called yu choi when harvested for the leafy greens and yu choi sum when the plant sends up a flower stalk and sets buds. Harvest the florets with the tender young leaves for great flavor and texture. Generally mild with a slight mustard-green flavor.

Previously grown at VISTA

Seed packets available from House of the Rising Seed

Seedlings pre-order available from House of the Rising Seed