
Rainbow Carrots
Nantes Type
A kaleidoscope of color for your table! This fun mix of Atomic Red, Cosmic Purple, Lunar White, and Solar Yellow is sure to be noticed, especially by kids. Plus, the range of colors gives a punch of vitamins from across the spectrum. What a fun and easy way to encourage your family to eat more healthy vegetables! These varieties can be harvested as baby roots in 50 to 60 days, or grown to their full 8- to 10-inch length in about 75 days.

Organic Danvers
Danvers Type
Seven-inch long carrots produce well, even in heavy soil. They are crisp, sweet, delicious, and ready in as little as 65 days. Quite heat tolerant. Plant a few every 2 weeks for a continuous harvest.

Little Finger
Mini Type
Extra-sweet organic baby carrot is really the size of your little finger. Growing only about 4 inches long, it is a classic baby variety with a crisp consistency and juicy bite. The dark orange roots are smooth and do not taper. Higher in vitamins A and B than their store-bought counterparts, homegrown carrots are also rich in calcium and phosphorus.

Lunar White
Chantenay Type
Lunar White carrots have been grown since the 1600’s, and they are still being grown for a good reason. This carrot is very mild and so delicious. Pure white and nearly coreless.

Nantes Type
Nantes is an exceptionally sweet variety just made for slicing and produces earlier than many carrot varieties. The 6 to 7-inch roots are firm, straight, and not tapered, with inconspicuous cores and plenty of tender, crisp, and ultra-sweet flavor. This is the classic name in carrots, and now it is available from organic seed. Higher in vitamins A and B than their store-bought counterparts, homegrown carrots are also rich in calcium and phosphorus—and they taste delicious. And with this certified organic variety, you know you are growing nothing but nature's goodness.

Scarlet Nantes
Nantes Type
A garden favorite appreciated for its fine texture, mild flavor, and very small core. Cylindrical (not tapered) roots 6½ in. long, 1-1½ in. at the shoulder.

New Kuroda
Chantenay Type
An improved Chantenay-type, this smooth, deep orange carrot grows to 7" long and 2" in diameter. Bred to thrive in sub-tropical areas, it produces high quality, uniform roots in summer for fall harvest. The uniform plant has high tolerance to heat and leaf blight.

Nantes Type
High-yielding, blunt-tipped, deep orange roots average 6–7" long and have excellent uniformity. This full-season Nantes has a tapered root, rather than the true "cigar" shape of an early Nantes. Conventional seed with NOP-compliant* pelleting, making them easier to plant.

Previously grown at VISTA

Seed packets available from House of the Rising Seed

Seedlings pre-order available from House of the Rising Seed