
Soarer Hybrid
Japanese Type
Valued particularly for its flavor, this Japanese burpless cucumber hybrid is easy to grow and a generous producer of 8" long cucumbers, up to 1" in diameter, with fine white spines and smooth deep-green skin. The vigorous plants tolerate heat very well.

Hybrid Type
A widely adapted, high yielding, pickling cucumber excellent for pickling and fresh eating. Blocky, dark green fruits are straight with white spines and mature to a length of 3" by 1". It has a gyneocious flowering habit (plants produce almost all female flowers) so it must be interplanted with 10 to 15% pollinator plants. Disease resistant/tolerant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew and Angular Leaf Spot and other maladies.

Summer Dance Hybrid
Japanese Type
Extra-sweet organic baby carrot is really the size of your little finger. Growing only about 4 inches long, it is a classic baby variety with a crisp consistency and juicy bite. The dark orange roots are smooth and do not taper. Higher in vitamins A and B than their store-bought counterparts, homegrown carrots are also rich in calcium and phosphorus.

Palace Pride
Japanese Type
Yields a prolific crop of fruits with glossy dark green skin with defined ridges and fine white spines. Fruits are harvested 10” long. They have crisp flesh and sweet flavor. No need to peel skin since the white spines are easily removed by washing.

Heirloom Variety
Sometimes referred to as snake melon, serpent and yard long cucumber. This variety is light green, heavily ribbed, and spineless. Fruits are crisp, mild and sweet flavored. It is a burpless cucumber and its thin skin does not require peeling. Very heat tolerant.

Green Light
Mini Type
2020 All-American Selection Winner. New seedless mini “cuke” that, when compared to similar varieties, has higher yields, matures earlier and fruits are attractive, with a superior taste. Thin skin with very small seed cavity. Great flavor and crisp texture. Makes a good pickler, as well.

Previously grown at VISTA

Seed packets available from House of the Rising Seed

Seedlings pre-order available from House of the Rising Seed