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Wildflower Garden Plan
Updated 2/16/2021

Mangrove Spider Lily
The Coastal Spider Lily or Mangrove Spider Lily can be found on beaches, sand dunes, mangrove swamps and wetlands of Florida. It is an evergreen, bulbous perennial that typically grows 2-3 feet tall and 2-4 feet wide in full to partial sun, and is drought tolerant once established. Over time, it will multiply and form clumps with foliage that makes a great accent in the landscape. Garden uses are moist borders, bog gardens, water gardens and along streams and ponds.

Fakahatchee Grass, Dwarf
Smaller species of Fakahatchee clumping grass makes it a better option for landscaping if you’re short on space. It has noticeably smaller, narrower leaf blades and grows 2 to 3 feet tall and wide. It has little, sharp teeth along the blade edges. Flowers appear in late spring on spikes, usually yellow in color. It is drought tolerant and useful for stabilizing slopes or banks.

Ironweed Gigantea
A Florida native, Ironweed is a long-lived perennial that reaches 3 to 10 feet tall. A member of the sunflower family, it is found in the eastern U.S. and Puerto Rico.
Ironweed flourishes in moist areas and can be found growing on prairies, grasslands, fields, roadsides and woodlands and along the banks and exposed sand bars of streams. From July to October, dark purple flowers appear in in large masses blooming at the top of the plants. Be prepared to look up if the plant is taller than you are!
Ironweed flourishes in moist areas and can be found growing on prairies, grasslands, fields, roadsides and woodlands and along the banks and exposed sand bars of streams. From July to October, dark purple flowers appear in in large masses blooming at the top of the plants. Be prepared to look up if the plant is taller than you are!

Needle Palm
Native Floridian palm with lustrous, evergreen leaves. Excellent as accent plant. Adds textural interest beneath new or established trees. Slow-growing, shrubby palm that can spread to 8 feet tall and wide. Its common name comes from the sharp, black needles found along the trunk.

Tropical Sage
Tropical Sage is one of Florida’s native plants that creates a dramatic effect if grown in mass plantings as part of your landscape. Space them approximately 18 inches apart in a planting bed, in full-sun and well-drained soil. They also do well as container plants.

Fakahatchee Grass
Native Floridian grass great for landscaping as an accent or border plant to add curb appeal to the property. Easy to grow and propagate and is drought tolerant, even though it is frequently found growing on river banks, hammocks, swamps and other wet sites.

Fire Bush
This Florida native has beautiful orange-red flowers throughout most of the year. A large, soft-stemmed shrub that can reach a height of 8 to 12 feet, it grows quickly, tolerates shade to full sun (showing the best color in partial to full sun) and is drought tolerant once established.

Hammock Twinflower
Hammock (Swamp) Twinflower occurs mostly in the partially shaded edges of forested wetlands. It is a deciduous perennial that emerges in early spring and produces a large number of decumbent stems. Each reaches several feet in length and root in various places as they touch moist soil. The deep green leaves are opposite each other on the stem, ovoid in shape and about 1/2” long. The foliage is attractive and makes for an interesting ground cover for shady and moist locations. Flowering can occur in most months, but most common from late spring to early summer. The flowers are a pale lavender with a deeper lavender throat.

Swamp Azalea
Swamp azalea, Florida’s only white-flowered and summer-blooming rhododendron, is a long-lived perennial shrub to small tree that can grow from 5 to 15 feet tall and 12 feet wide. Occurs naturally in wet flat woods, bay swamps and along lake margins.

Shiny Coffee
Native shrub, also known as Wild Coffee, with deep green, shiny and evergreen leaves. Bears clusters of small white flowers that bloom from the branch tips in spring/summer and produce red fruit in summer/fall. The fruit resembles true coffee beans, but they do not contain caffeine. While wild coffee is in the same family as true coffee (Rubiacaea), they are not the same species.

Walter's Viburnum
Walter's Viburnum is Florida's most common native Viburnum naturally distributed through much of central and north Florida. It is adapted to full sun to filtered lighting and is cold hardy throughout Florida. It is a slow-growing rounded evergreen broadleaf shrub reaching heights of 2-5 feet with a 3-5 feet spread and used as a median planting, hedge or border screen.

Virginia Sweetspire
Also known as Henry’s Garnet, this compact shrub is commonly found in swamps, stream banks, wet hammocks, and floodplain forests throughout Florida.
A great addition to any garden landscape, it features graceful arching branches that grow 3-4 feet tall and 4-6 feet wide. Blooms in mid-spring with tiny, fragrant white flowers along drooping flower spikes 3 to 6 inches long. Very showy!
A great addition to any garden landscape, it features graceful arching branches that grow 3-4 feet tall and 4-6 feet wide. Blooms in mid-spring with tiny, fragrant white flowers along drooping flower spikes 3 to 6 inches long. Very showy!

Simpson Stopper
Simpson Stopper, a member of the Eucalyptus family, is a Florida native that provides the landscape with springtime flowering, colorful berries and evergreen leaves. It is very versatile as it can function as a tree which can reach a height of 30 feet and a width of 20 feet.

Swamp Dogwood
Swamp dogwood is found only in low, moist woodlands and swamps throughout the southeastern U.S. and west to Missouri. It grows 10 to 15 feet tall and wide with stiff, upright branches, reddish-purple stems, and dark green leaves that are 1 to 4 inches long. In Spring you will find creamy white flowers in clusters up to 3 inches across. In the fall the fruit turns blue and is about 1/4 inch in diameter. Typical of most dogwood plants, this shrub is deciduous and drops its leaves in the fall.
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