The main event in the woodland in October was hurricane Milton. The VISTA property was spared serious damage, and we were grateful. We had several trees down and much branch debris. With help from USF and Sickles volunteers, we spent a lot of time clearing out debris in the parking area, grassy area and garden areas.

In the areas where we’re planting, we cleared out a fair amount of debris, with the help of USF Volunteers. We added down branches and non-native grasses to our Hügelkultur pile, which began with Brazilian pepper debris. The goal is for this pile to decay into a raised bed in the future.

In the woodland away from human activity, we can let nature alone. For example, this fallen cypress tree will become a habitat for numerous creatures, as it decays. It already had a cavity in its base, which hosted a bee hive earlier in the year. We did not have significant flooding, and the cypress swamp easily accommodated the rain.

Sickles High NHS students helped dig out a patch of wedelia, and then transplant native plants.

The woodland area is constantly changing with the seasons, with natural events, and with our efforts at restoration. We’re learning which areas are naturally low after rain, so we can match our planting in these areas with plants that like to be wet.