Your support today means a better tomorrow.
Your generous donation ensures that VISTA can continue to enrich the community with its organic gardening initiatives, community outreach objectives, and educational programs. Your generous donation can help us cultivate a thriving environment for biodiversity and organic, edible food gardens while inspiring future generations to embrace sustainable practices.
Please choose a donation amount below to continue.
Sustainable Technology
VISTA has adopted a wide range of eco-friendly practices and technologies that conserve resources, such as solar-powered irrigation, a composting operation, permaculture designs, and reclaimed water as well as recycled materials.
Our pollinator sanctuaries, apiaries and conservation efforts provide a safe haven for native flora and fauna. VISTA's wildflower garden, for example, hosts plants native to Florida which also attract and sustain diverse wildlife.
Community Outreach
Each educational effort VISTA makes empowers individuals with the knowledge to make a positive impact, creating a positive feedback loop within the community that fosters sustainable technologies, agriculture, and biodiversity.