
Red Torch
Small Fruit
Red Torch is a striped oblong tomato with 1.5” long fruits that weigh about 1.5 ounces. This hybrid is a very prolific early-season producer combining excellent flavor, great texture, and high yields. Plants have been bred with excellent tolerance to environmental stresses like heat and harsh growing conditions. Fruits are borne on indeterminate vines that grow 5-6’ tall and ripen 60-70 days from transplanting. Judges were pleased with both the earliness and yield of this variety in addition to the unique skin coloration. 2019 All American Selections Winner

Sweet Million Hybrid Cherry
Small Fruit
Large clusters of smooth, bright, miniature fruit arise all summer long on this classic variety. A garden treasure that always turns out big harvests of sweet tomatoes, Sweet Million hybrid is considered a high performer based on testimonials of hundreds of customers as well as our own garden trials.
The bright red, 1- to 1 ½-inch globes are sweet and tender, arising plentifully on indeterminate plants resistant to fusarium wilt race 1, nematodes, tobacco mosaic virus, and leaf spot.

Pink Delicious
Large Fruit
With “Delicious” in its name, it has to be good! This early maturing tomato supports the trend of having heirloom look, flavor and texture with hybrid disease resistance and improved germination meaning it is much easier for home gardeners to grow. Higher yield and a very uniform fruit size. The beautiful big fruits do not crack as much. What really sets this variety apart is the excellent flavor and a high Brix for a sweeter than normal pink tomato. Bonus: Much better disease resistance than controls in the Southeast region. 2022 All American Selections Winner

Small Fruit
Early, delicious, attractive cherry tomatoes. Real sweet tomato flavor and firmness without being hard. Among the first to ripen, Sakura keeps going all season long because of its disease resistance. Very tidy, compact plant fits well in tight spaces. Prolific yielder of bright red, shiny, medium-large cherry tomatoes that average 20–22 gm.

Sunset Torch
Small Fruit
2022 All-American Selections (AAS) Winner sets small "perfect" flowers followed by uniform 2-inch plum-shaped fruits, weighing about 1 ounce each, having a moderately firm texture. A mildly sweet, fruity flavor makes for particularly good for snacking.

Cherry Purple Zebra
Small Fruit
2022 All-American Selections (AAS) Winner, this vigorous, multi-cluster, vining plant bears an impressive amount of 3–4-ounce round fruits over the course of a season, typically 150 to 200 cherry tomatoes per plant. Dark red fruit has green stripes and a deep mahogany interior, thin skin and moderately firm texture. The flavor is a rich, unique, complex blend of acidic and sweet, leaning sweet.

Small Fruit
Diminutive, about the size of a dime and usually smaller, with tremendous sweet taste. Great eaten right off the vine or in salads and as garnish. Often grown wild in non-trellised fashion with hundreds of fruit clusters on one plant! Reseeds year after year.

Tommy Toe
Small Fruit
Exceptionally vigorous plants yield hundreds of large red cherry tomatoes throughout the season. The superb flavor won it top billing over 100 other varieties in an Australian taste test.

Solar Flair
Large Fruit
6-10 ounce beefsteak is red with gold stripes and has very meaty flesh with luscious sweet red tomato flavor. Known for flavor, production, increased earliness and scab resistance.

Small Fruit
Sunpeach (sister variety to Sun Gold, is less tangy & acidic as its famous orange relative, but is very sweet with excellent flavor.) Deep pink, shiny, 15-20 gm., fruit are borne on long trusses.

Large Fruit
Introduced in 1966 for hot humid areas by Auburn University in Alabama. An excellent producer of 6-10 oz flattened globular red fruit on vigorous plants with heavy foliage. Medium fruits keep well, meaty with good color and flavor. Disease resistance package - Fusarium wilt, Root Knot Nematode, Gray Leaf Spot.

Cherokee Purple
Large Fruit
Introduced by Craig LeHoullier of Raleigh, NC, in 1991 from seed obtained from J. D. Green of Tennessee. Uniquely colored dusty rose-brown fruits weigh up to 12 ounces. Delicious sweet flesh. Indeterminate, 75-90 days from transplant.

Eva Purple Ball
Medium Fruit
Outstanding performer in hot, humid areas. Excellent resistance to diseases, including some resistance to late blight. One of the most blemish-free tomatoes with a soft tender texture. Smooth, round, attractive pink-purple fruits weigh 5-7 oz. Easy to harvest, as some drop from the vine at peak ripeness, and easy to peel. A wonderful all-purpose tomato with excellent flavor.

Small Fruit
Bright tangerine-orange cherry tomatoes. This orange cherry variety has an incredibly sweet, almost fruit-like flavor. Fruits are borne in large clusters and the flavor develops early.

Pink Caspian
Large Fruit
Excellent in short-season gardens, due to early bearing and the huge, blocky shape of its thick-walled, bright red, 6" by 4" fruits. Great for stuffing. Mild taste becomes even mellower as the fruits mature.

Yellow Centiflor
Small Fruit
Large clusters of distinctive golden yellow fruits with pointed tips. Short but highly variable plants range from 1 to 5 ft. tall; shortest plants have lower yield. Good disease resistance results in extended harvests. Semi-determinate.

Berkeley Tie Dye Green
Large Fruit
Incredibly colorful and delicious large-fruited slicing variety! Fruit runs 8 to 16 ounces. Exterior color is green with stripes in red and yellow. Creamy green flesh infused with various shades of red and yellow. Each of these colors has a different flavor resulting in a spicy, sweet, tart tomato with good acid all in one fruit. Fair to good production.

Dr. Wyche's Yellow
Small Fruit
Unique yellow tomatillo with contrasting purple blush (1½" diameter), delicious sweet flavor. Very prolific and easy to grow. 90-100 days from transplant.

Purple Tomatillo
Small Fruit
Dark purple fruits are smaller (1½-2") and have a sweeter flavor than green tomatillos. Makes an attractive purple salsa, also great grilled. Noticeably less sticky than most tomatillos. Culture is very similar to tomatoes.

Granadero F1
Small Fruit
Produces very high yields of uniform, attractive, bright red, 4-5 oz. tomatoes with very good flavor. Thick-walled fruit; ideal for fresh tomato sauces, salsas, and salads. Broad disease resistance package keeps Granadero healthy even under heavy disease pressure.

Homestead 24
Large Fruit
Red 8 oz slightly flattened globes. Developed for hot humid coastal areas, especially Florida, with good disease resistance. Reliably sets fruit at high temperatures.

Small Fruit
Round, 2-3" fruit with pleasantly chewy texture and sweet, rich flavor. Plants are extra vigorous and tall, staying healthy for a long picking period. Intermediate resistance to early blight, Septoria Leaf Spot, and late blight. Crack and rot resistant. AAS winner.

Mortgage Lifter
Large Fruit
An improved version of Mortgage Lifter* with increased disease-resistance and more uniform fruit, ripening to red rather than pink-red. Large, 10-14 oz. fruits that are not as large as the original Mortgage Lifter, but the plants are much more productive. Note: Grows 6-7 ft. tall!

Tropic VFN
Large Fruit
Developed by the University of Florida, this exceptionally disease-resistant variety produces sweet-flavored fruit averaging 8-9 oz that is thick-walled and tends to sit high on the vine under a protective cover of foliage. Recommended highly for hot, humid, disease-prone areas, especially where blight is a problem.

Roma VF
Medium Fruit
Plum to round shape, thick walled, red 4-6 oz medium-sized fruit popular (paste type) for canning, sauce, juice or drying. Heavy producer.

Supersweet 100
Small Fruit
This variety has long, branched clusters of deliciously sweet tomatoes high in sugar and vitamin C. Super Sweet 100 is known to be disease resistant, giving plants a better chance where certain problems may be soil-borne.

Large Fruit
An extremely productive variety that produces uniform, large and distinctive oxheart/beefsteak type fruits. The fruit has the characteristic bottom heavy, pear shape with well marked ribs. Fruit begins medium green and turns to red orange when ripe.
Not too juicy with perfect texture and superbly tasting meaty flesh, they have few seeds and the skins are thin enough to include when cooking. They are perfect for sandwiches, roasting, sauces and salsas, a good all-round culinary tomato.

Kellogg's Breakfast
Large Fruit
A beautiful orange beefsteak. Its fruit is very flavorful and superbly sweet! This delicious heirloom originated in West Virginia.

Big Beef
Large Fruit
A beautiful orange beefsteak. Its fruit is very flavorful and superbly sweet! This delicious heirloom originated in West Virginia.

Romaneso (Pantano)
Large Fruit
Productive vines yield large crops of 12 oz., brilliant-red, slightly-ribbed tomatoes with meaty interiors bursting with wonderful, rich, complex, tomato flavors.

Previously grown at VISTA

Seed packets available from House of the Rising Seed

Seedlings pre-order available from House of the Rising Seed

Trial product-first time grown at VISTA